
Contact us


Tecola PLLC
Groenstraat 61
3020 Veltem - Beisem (Herent)

TEL 0032 (0)485 48 35 45
VAT BE0713 637 512
Business account BE10 0018 5082 8304
Third-party account BE58 0018 1180 3079


You can park your car at the office parking or just across the street.

Public transport

You can take the bus or train into Veltem–Beisem (possibly with a stop over and transfer at Leuven station). Go left when you leave the station and follow the Stationsstraat. After approximately 300 metres go right into the Groenstraat. On the corner of this street you will see a pharmacy. Follow the Groenstraat approximately 600 metres. If you cross the street with the Overstraat on your left (second street on your left), our office is located in the fourth building on the left side of the Groenstraat.